Violence Erupts in Del Valle, Mexico City

In Del Valle, Mexico City, a man was attacked by a shooter disguised as a delivery person. The victim sustained serious injuries and was rushed to the hospital.

Violence Erupts in Del Valle, Mexico City

A subject posed as a delivery person and shot a man in the Del Valle neighborhood of Mexico City. The incident occurred when the individual, disguised as a delivery person, showed up at the victim's address, located at the intersection of Juan Sánchez Azcona and San Lorenzo, in the Del Valle Centro neighborhood, Benito Juárez delegation.

The worker of the injured person reported to the officers of the Citizen Security Secretariat that the alleged aggressor entered the home and fired several times at the victim.

Paramedics examined the 56-year-old man and determined that he had suffered gunshot wounds to the jaw and calf, so he was taken to a hospital for treatment. The SSC CDMX reported that they are reviewing surveillance cameras to identify the aggressor.

In the words of the victim's worker: "It was a terrifying moment to see how this individual entered and shot for no reason. We hope that the authorities capture the responsible party and justice is served for this cowardly act."